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Command: Edit

Shows a dialog where the user can edit the data of the selected characteristic.

Displays a dialog box in which the user can view and edit all characteristic values. The properties specific to the inspection characteristic are displayed in the Edit dialog box. There are properties that are the same for all characteristic types, such as the characteristic number or the data for the symbol and properties, which differ depending on the type of inspection characteristic indicated.

When an Inventor characteristic is marked, all required data is read from the Inventor characteristic and stored in a test plan characteristic. This allows the user to view and influence the data output later already during the marking process. Especially with chamfers as well as bore and thread labels, the characteristic data may only be read out very inaccurately from Inventor via the edit dialog, however, the user can now add the correct values directly.

Common Properties

Name Description
Number Unique number of the characteristic. A value that has not yet been used is proposed automatically. However, the user can also change it as required. If the value is changed to an existing number, all affected numbers are increased by 1. The uniqueness is always guaranteed.
Type Displays the recognized characteristic type. For example, dimension, surface symbol, chamfer, etc.
Name Any name can be entered here, e.g. outside diameter.
Multi Value If the indicated value is an element of a series/pattern, e.g. a bore pattern with several identical bores, it is sufficient if the user only marks one characteristic and specifies via the multiple value how many elements of the pattern are to be inspected.
Symbol position Position of the symbol in millimeters.
Symbol angle Calculated or entered angle of the arrowhead of the symbol.

Dialog functions

Also available in all dialogs are the following functions

Name Description
Reset Via the Reset function, the characteristic data can be read out again from Inventor. Any changes made are lost.
OK Save the changes made in the test plan characteristic and close the dialog.
Cancel All changes made are discarded and the dialog is closed.

Characteristic Type: Dimension

The characteristic type “Dimension” has the following specific properties:

Name Description
Dimension class Defines the higher-level type of dimensioning (length, angle, undefined). If required, the general tolerance is calculated on the basis of this dimension class.
Dimension Type Defines the exact type of dimensioning, depending on the dimension class. For example, the values “Length”, “Diameter”, “Radius” and “Other” are available for the dimension class “Length”.
Nominal value Value of the measurement determined from the Inventor characteristic.
Unit Unit determined from the drawing data.
Precision Number of decimal places displayed for the nominal value.
Tolerance type Specifies whether no tolerance, an ISO fit tolerance or an upper/lower deviation is used. If “None” is selected, the common tolerance is calculated if required during export; a reference dimension may be required (“Arrow” button).
ISO The input field is only activated for tolerance type “ISO”. When you enter a tolerance value, the “Minimum value” and “Maximum value” fields are automatically calculated and displayed.
Min. /Max. Deviation The input fields are only activated for the “Upper / Lower dimension” tolerance type. When a tolerance value is entered, the “Minimum value” and “Maximum value” fields are automatically calculated and displayed.
Precision tolerance Number of decimal places displayed for tolerance.

Characteristic Type: Chamfer

The characteristic type “Chamfer” has the following specific properties:

Name Description
Length Displays the chamfer length determined from the Inventor feature. Detailed information on target value and tolerance: Can be entered in the subdialogue (button with arrow symbol).
Angle Displays the angle determined from the Inventor feature. Detailed information on target value and tolerance: Can be entered in the subdialogue (button with arrow symbol).
Two methods are available for reading out the Inventor characteristic data: Automatic mode and the pattern-based expert mode. Both procedures are described in the chapter Administration.

Characteristic Type: Geometric Tolerance

The characteristic type “Geometric Tolerance” has the following specific properties:

Name Description
Symbol Only the placeholder of the tolerance symbol resulting from the selection in the symbol dialog is displayed in the input field. In downstream processes, the placeholder can be processed more easily than, for example, a generated image.
Tolerance 1 Nominal value of the first tolerance.
Tolerance 2 Nominal value of the second tolerance.
Value 1 Reference value 1 of the tolerance.
Value 2 Reference value 2 of the tolerance.
Value 3 Reference value 3 of the tolerance.
Comment Further information.
Preview Preview of the tolerance resulting from the entries.

Characteristic Type: Surface Symbol

The characteristic type “Surface Symbol” has the following specific properties:

Name Description
Type of machining Specification of the processing method: Standard, material removal required, material removal not permitted.
Roughness Value 1 Specification of the roughness value 1.
Roughness Value 2 Specification of the roughness value 2.
Manufacturing Technique Manufacturing technique to be used.
Material Removal Information on material removal.
Direction Direction of machining to be used.
Preview Preview of the surface symbol resulting from the entries.

Characteristic Type: Hole/Thread

The characteristic type “Hole/Thread” has the following specific properties:

Name Description
Hole type Hole type: Without attachment, cylindrical countersink, flattening, conical countersink.
Drilling type Type of drilling: Single bore, through bore, threaded bore, threaded bore with taper.
Type of execution Type of execution: Distance, Through all.
Drilling point Type of drilling point: Flat, pointed
Angle Angle for pointed version of the drilling point.
Values Depending on the selected parameters, different target values are available. Detailed information on target value and tolerance can be entered in the subdialogue (button with arrow symbol). Predefined common target values can be loaded via the “Default values” property.
Two methods are available for reading out the Inventor characteristic data: Automatic mode and the pattern-based expert mode. Both methods are described in the chapter Administration.

Characteristic Type: Simple Value

The characteristic type “Simple value” is a free inspection characteristic that is independent of Inventor and has the following specific properties:

Name Description
Nominal value Decimal nominal value of the inspection characteristic.
Unit Freely selectable unit of the nominal value.
Precision Number of decimal places of the nominal value.

Characteristic Type: Text

The characteristic type “Text” is a free inspection characteristic that is independent of Inventor and has the following specific properties:

Name Description
Nominal value Nominal value (text) of the inspection characteristic.

The content refers to version 3.0

testplaninv/30/use/editmark.txt · Last modified: 2019/05/20 13:02 (external edit)