FormElements_ColumnId was removed, data field for a FormElement is now only stored in the datafield attribute of the FormElement
Sorting of multiple columns is now saved (#374)
Target category can no longer be changed (#380)
Search without results (#379)
Automatic update of further values after status changes
Path prefix for categories to separate project data and other data. For example, if documents can be saved for a measuring device, the Prefix “Measuring Device” can be assigned to the measuring device category: “\Measuring Device\XYZ\KLM\…”
New functions on IMeXXApplication: RefreshFolder, SelectInList
Error: Goto if folder has not yet been activated and no item has been selected.
Check local and global keys now takes place after clicking on “OK” in the datasheet
Error: Options dialog “Database settings” shows invalid value for SQL-Server Authentication
Error: If FileService was not found, an error message is displayed when exiting MeXX.
New Functions Excel-Addin-API
Drag&Drop from Outlook: Attachments
Call MessageBrowser via the “WHATSNEW” function
New field LastActivity in the UsersLoggedIn table, each active client writes the current date and time every 5 minutes
Environment variables in the registry are automatically extended. (#63)
NodeCategorySelector (Copy to Clipboard) now remembers the window position
NetworkMonitor for monitoring the network connection
Online Help Integration
mexx/changelog.txt · Last modified: 2019/05/20 12:59 (external edit)