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MeXX List View

A list view consisting of a table is assigned to the selected folder in the folder bar. Depending on the folder type: category folder, favorites folder, search folder, all items (category folder) or only selected items (favorites folder, search folder) are displayed.

The table of the list view already offers extensive possibilities to sort, filter or group the displayed data. You can also change the columns displayed.

By clicking on the column header, the data can be sorted either in ascending or descending order. The sort sequence is visualized by a small triangle next to the column header.

The sorting can also be changed or removed by using the functions “Sort in ascending order”, “Sort in descending order” and “Remove sorting” in the context menu (click on the column header with the right mouse button).

Filtering: Auto filter row
Using the table's context menu (click on the column header with the right mouse button), the auto filter row can be displayed using the “Show Auto Filter Row” entry. If a value is entered in a cell of the auto filter row, the table data is automatically filtered. The used filter operator is visualized by a small symbol in the cell. The resulting filter is displayed in the footer of the table, where it can be edited later.

Filtering: Column filter
If you move the mouse over a column header, a funnel symbol appears in the upper right corner. If you click on it, the column filter opens. All currently displayed values of the column are listed in the displayed list. To display only certain values, select the desired values by checking the corresponding box. The resulting filter is displayed in the footer of the table, where it can be edited later.

Filtering: Search row
Using the table's context menu (click on the column header with the right mouse button), the search field can be displayed using the “Show search” entry. If you enter a value in the displayed field, a full text search is automatically carried out across the entire table and all hits found are highlighted in yellow.

The filters defined for a table can be saved for recurring use via the functions “Save filter”, “Load filter” and “Reset filter” in the context menu of the table.

The content refers to version 2.7

mexx/usage/listview.txt · Last modified: 2019/05/20 13:01 (external edit)