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mexx:start [2013/05/29 15:59]
admin created
mexx:start [2019/05/20 12:59] (current)
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-====== MeXX ======+====== MeXX Documentation ======
-Please refer to the german version of the help. [[de:mexx:start|German help]]+MeXX is a multi-purpose program for managing measurement data. MeXX can be individually adapted to different fields via a configuration system. 
 +The central element is the hierarchical linking of the dataThis makes it possible to find data quickly and effectively. 
 +  * [[mexx:usage:start|Usage]]: Working with MeXX 
 +  * [[mexx:glossary|Glossary]]: Explanation of important terms 
 +  * [[mexx:changelog|Change History]]: Overview of Changes 
 +The content refers to version 2.7
mexx/start.1369835960.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/05/20 12:55 (external edit)