Table of Contents



The job handler can create log-files. You can enable/disable logging by changing the Reitec.Vault.Tools config-file (Reitec.Vault.Tools.dll.config) in the extension folder.

Search for “DebugLevel” and use one of the following values:

Value Description
0 Disable logging
2 Only log Errors
8 Verbose logging

The log-files are written to “%AppData%\Reitec\Reitec.Vault.Tools”.

PDF publish options

The file “JobServerSettings.xml” contains all settings for publishing PDF-files. You can define which CAD-System to use for which file type.


Value Description Note
CADSystem Key value to identify the CAD-System within the settings file. Do not change!
StartUpPath Full file name to the exe-file of the CAD-system. Check this path if the CAD-system doesn't start automatically.
ObjectName Object name used to connect with a running CAD-system. Do not change!
Assembly Name of the assembly used to create the PDF. Do not change!
ClassName Name of the class to instanciate the CAD specific PDF publisher Do not change!

File type

Value Description Note
Extension File extension of the file. Do not change!
CADSystem CAD-system used to publish the PDF. Available values: INVENTOR, ACAD
Option Used options to publish PDF. INVDWG / ACADDWG

Publish options


Name Values Description Note
IncludeModel True, False Change the value to include the model in the PDF. -
IncludeLayout True, False Change the value to include layouts in the PDF. -
Layouts ALL
{LayoutName1}; {LayoutName2}
ALL to include all layouts in the PDF or semicolon seperated list of layout names. -
PlotStyleTable ctb file name e.g. monochrome.ctb Used plotstyletable. -
PC3FileName pc3 file name e.g. DWG To PDF.pc3 Used pc3 definitin file Do not change.
Watermark NONE
NONE: No watermark.
NONERELEASE: Watermark only on none released files.
ONLYRELEASE: Watermark only on release files.
ALL: Watermark on every pdf.
WatermarkExtension NONE
NONE: No suffix to the file state.
DATE: Add current date as suffix.
CopyExternal Path Path to external repository. PDF file will be copied to an external repository. -
FileNamePattern {SOURCENAME}
{SOURCENAME}: Drawing filename without Extension.
{SOURCEEXTENSION}: Extension of the drawing file.
{REVISION}: Revision label of the drawing file.
e.g. ABC-{SOURCENAME}.{REVISION}.{SOURCEEXTENSION} will result in ABC-mydrawingfilename.A.dwg.pdf

Inventor 2D-files (INVDWG)

Name Values Description Note
Watermark NONE
NONE: No watermark.
NONERELEASE: Watermark only on none released files.
ONLYRELEASE: Watermark only on release files.
ALL: Watermark on every pdf.
WatermarkExtension NONE
NONE: No suffix to the file state.
DATE: Add current date as suffix.
CopyExternal Path Path to external repository. PDF file will be copied to an external repository. -
FileNamePattern {SOURCENAME}
{SOURCENAME}: Drawing filename without Extension.
{SOURCEEXTENSION}: Extension of the drawing file.
{REVISION}: Revision label of the drawing file.
e.g. ABC-{SOURCENAME}.{REVISION}.{SOURCEEXTENSION} will result in ABC-mydrawingfilename.A.idw.pdf

Watermark options

For each page format you can define a watermark.

Name Values Description Note
PageHeight 297 Height of the page in mm. -
PageWidth 210 Width of the page in mm. -
X 105 Horizontal position of the watermark. From left side. -
Y 148 Vertical position of the watermark. From the bottom. -
R 255 Color of the watermark. (0-255) -
G 0 Color of the watermark. (0-255) -
B 0 Color of the watermark. (0-255) -
Font Arial Name of the font to use. -
FontSize 20 Size of the text. -
FontStyle NORMAL
- -
Alignment LEFT
- -