Area: Test plan Types

In this area you can view and edit the existing test plan definitions.

Test plan definition

Create a new test plan definition or edit an existing one. The selection is made via the selection list. Changes must be saved using the “Check” button.


Name Description
Display name Displayed name of the test plan definition.
Layer The assigned layer.

Symbol style
Here you define the appearance of the stamp symbol.

Name Description
Radius Radius of the circle.
Text size Size of the number text.
Offset X Distance to the dimension in x direction.
Offset Y Distance to the dimension in y direction.
Create arrow Specifies if the arrowhead should be created.
Fill arrow Specifies if the arrowhead should be filled.
Line distance Specifies the distance of the line hatching in the arrowhead. The greater the distance, the faster the creation.

The content refers to version 3.3