Table of Contents


This chapter describes the installation steps and the adjustment of the settings files.

To install the Reitec.AutomationServer please use the installation wizard. The installation program can be downloaded here: Reitec.AutomationServer

To use the Reitec.PMM plug-in, you need the x86 version: Reitec.AutomationServer(x86)

System requirements

Install Reitec.AutomationServer

Execute the file Reitec.AutomationServer_2.1.1.0 to start the installation.

Click on Next to access the licence settings.

 Here you can set the licensing method. There is cloud licensing, single-user licensing and network licensing.
For cloud licensing, you need a licence number. If you do not have one yet, you can request one here.
For single-user licensing, we will be happy to issue you with a licence file. You will find the required data under “Server Info” in the programme.
For network licensing you need our free Reitec.LicenseService. You can find more information and the download link here.