====== Usage ====== Reitec.Testplan is a CAD add-on for test planning based on drawings. The user can easily mark all dimensions relevant for quality assurance already in Inventor and export them together with all tolerances per keystroke or mouse click. The engineer can mark distinctly all dimensions relevant for quality assurance during the preparation of the drawing. To do this, numerous functions are available in the drawing view. The main element is a stamp icon (a circle with an arrow and a number) that can be assigned to any check dimension. The arrow tip points to the associated check dimension. Each stamp icon is a sketched symbol. The name of the sketched symbol consists of the prefix “VDA_Stamp_” and the angle in degrees of the arrow. Please note the [[testplaninv:30:upgrade|upgrade information]] for version 3.0 ===== Area: Dimensions ===== ==== Command: Generate Stamp Icons ==== {{:testplaninv:use:createauto_32.png?nolink&32 |}} Automatically adds stamp icons to all the dimensions of the sheet. This is done view by view in a clockwise order. The stamp numbers are calculated in an ascending way. [[testplaninv:30:use:automark|More information]] ==== Command: Add Stamp Icon ==== {{:testplaninv:use:createmanual_32.png?nolink&32 |}} Add a stamp icon for the selected dimensions. The user can freely define the number to use or use the preset value. Numbers are unique within a drawing. [[testplaninv:30:use:singlemark|More information]] ==== Command: Add Free Stamp Icon ==== {{:testplaninv:use:createfree_32.png?nolink&32 |}} Not all items in the Inventor drawing view can be automatically marked with an icon. To be able to mark such elements, a free symbol of any type can be created. [[testplaninv:30:use:freemark|More information]] ==== Command: Stamp wizard ==== {{:testplaninv:use:wizard_32.png?nolink&32 |}} Create similar testplans with a consistent order of the dimensions for similar products. More information in the [[testplaninv:administration| administration]] chapter. The wizard displays the dimension, which should be selected next. You can skip a dimension by directly clicking on the "Next" button. ==== Command: Refresh ==== {{:testplaninv:use:refresh_32.png?nolink&32 |}} Rearranges the stamp icons so that the stamp arrow points towards the attached dimension. The numbers will be preserved. ==== Command: Refresh and Renumber ==== {{:testplaninv:use:refreshrenumber_32.png?nolink&32 |}} Rearranges the stamp icons, so that the stamp arrow points towards the attached dimension. Also the numbers will be recalculated so that there are no spaces. ==== Command: Delete All ==== {{:testplaninv:use:delete_32.png?nolink&32 |}} Deletes all stamp icons in the drawing. ==== Command: Copy All ==== {{:de:testplaninv:30:use:copy_32.png?nolink&32 |}} Copies all inspection characteristics (symbols) of the current inspection plan layer to another inspection plan layer. \\ [[testplaninv:30:use:copyall|More information]] ==== Command: Edit ==== {{:testplaninv:use:edit_32.png?nolink&32 |}} Shows a dialog where the user can edit the data of the selected characteristic. \\ \\ [[testplaninv:30:use:editmark|More information]] ===== Area: Testplan types ===== ==== Command: Edit ==== {{:de:testplaninv:30:use:edittype_32.png?nolink&32 |}} Opens the Options dialog with the possibility to change the test plan settings.\\ \\ [[testplaninv:30:administration|More information]] ==== Command: Change ==== The selection list displays the active test plan. Selecting another test plan from the list activates it. ==== Command: Show / Hide layer ==== {{:de:testplaninv:30:use:togglelayer_32.png?nolink&32 |}} Shows or hides the layer assigned to the active test plan. \\ \\ ===== Area: Table ===== ==== Command: Create table ==== {{:de:testplaninv:30:use:table_32.png?nolink&32 |}} With the command 'Create table' a table with test characteristics can be inserted into the drawing. \\ [[testplaninv:30:use:createtable|More information]] \\ \\ ===== Area: QS-System===== ==== Command: Project parameter==== {{:de:testplaninv:30:use:projectparameter_32.png?nolink&32 |}} Shows the dialog for editing the project parameters. \\ \\ [[testplaninv:30:use:project|More information]] ==== Command: Export ==== {{:testplaninv:use:export_32.png?nolink&32 |}} Saves all dimension values and the tolerances into a csv-file or an excel-file. \\ [[testplaninv:30:use:export|More information]] \\ \\ ===== Area: Information===== ==== Command: Options ==== {{:de:testplaninv:use:options_32.png?nolink&32 |}} This command opens the Options dialog.\\ \\ [[testplaninv:30:administration|More information]] ==== Command: Feedback ==== {{:de:testplaninv:30:use:mail_32.png?nolink&32 |}} If you have any questions or problems, please send us an e-mail. \\ \\ ==== Command: Help ==== {{:de:testplaninv:30:use:help_32.png?nolink&32 |}} Opens the Reitec.test plan online help. \\ \\ ==== Command: About Reitec.Testplan ==== {{:de:testplaninv:30:use:info_32.png?nolink&32 |}} This command calls the Info dialog. In the Info dialog you can check the license status and enter the license file. [[testplaninv:30:use:license|More information]] ==== Command: Service ==== {{:de:testplaninv:30:use:service_32.png?nolink&32 |}} This command calls the service dialog. Numerous service functions are available in the service dialog, such as the function for upgrading the file format. [[testplaninv:30:use:service|More information]] ---- The content refers to version 3.0