====== MeXX Excel data links ====== With the Excel AddIn data can be automatically read from MeXX and saved in an Excel spreadsheet. For this purpose, you must create MeXX data links in the worksheet. **Link**\\ Clicking on the "Link" button in the ribbon opens the "Data Link" window in which data links can be managed. {{:mexx:usage:excellink_overview.png?300|}} To create a new data link, click on "Add". To delete a data link, select the data link and click "Delete". To replace a data link, select an existing data link and click on "Replace". After clicking on "Add" and "Replace" the MeXX selection dialog appears, where you can select the element to be linked. If you want to transfer a value from the element into your Excel document, place a check mark in front of "Read data" field. With "Position" you can select an element relative to the position of the selected element in the structure. Select "First node from above" or "First node below the current node" and the desired category. If you do not want to navigate through the structure, select the setting "On current node". Under "Range" you can now select whether you want to read a value from the datasheet or measured values. **Update data from MeXX**\\ The functions updates all data links and loads the corresponding data from MeXX. ---- The content refers to version 2.7