====== Installation ====== The installation of Reitec.Vault.Datasheet is quite simple and requires only a few steps. ===== Install instructions ===== ==== 1. Download ==== You can download the installation program from the [[http://apps.exchange.autodesk.com/VLTC/Detail/Index?id=appstore.exchange.autodesk.com%3Areitecvaultdatasheet%3Aen|Autodesk Exchange AppStore]]. You can also access the AppStore from within the Vault Explorer.\\ {{:datasheet:installation:appstore_en.png?200|}} Search for the Reitec.Vault.Datasheet app -> Click "Trial" and login to download the installer. {{:datasheet:installation:appstorelogin_en.png?200|}} ==== 2. Welcome ==== A welcome dialog is displayed just click "Install Now" to start the installation. {{:datasheet:installation:install01_en.png?200 |}} ==== 3. Progress ==== Until the installation a progress bar is displayed. Just wait until the installation is finished. {{:datasheet:installation:install02_en.png?200 |}} ==== 4. Finish ==== Installation is completed when the following dialog is displayed. Click "Close" to exit the installation program and restart the Vault Explorer.\\ {{:datasheet:installation:install03_en.png?200|}} ==== 5. Menus ==== From time to time the commands of a newly installed app will not displayed in Vault Explorer. In this case you need to reset the menus.\\ \\ During the first start of Vault Explorer after installing Reitec.Vault.Datasheet a note is displayed. Just follow the instructions to reset the menus.\\ {{:de:datasheet:installation:menuhint_de.png?200|}}